Wednesday 23 April 2008

scetches - Faerie Poem


god-free morals said...

how are you meant to read this? can you write it out?

Ent said...

not sure any more, I think I wrote it as it happened. It might read -

"old mind, still dead, still blind, not responding to this world. I cant figgure it out. What the hell is this going to mean, espesially to somebody else not me."

not sure... its fun letting out thoughts that can't be properly read. Try starting in the middle and see what you come up with..

god-free morals said...

i got:

old mind - still blind - dead still,
not responding it 'out',
to this world - figure what can't,
the hell to mean - especially me, somebody going - is this H?

Ent said...

Like It! Might do another and post it!